| On the counter

10 things NOT to do on Valentine's Day!


Whether it is the most loved, hated, consumerist or trivial holiday matters little: it repeats itself every year, so whether you are single or happily accompanied you will still have to deal with it, some locking themselves in the house pretending that this day does not exist and others racking their brains with ideas that will ultimately never see the light of day, but the thought is enough.
Men know that February 14 is the litmus test by which you will be judged for the following 6 months, until the summer vacations, so the focus is all on you creating, we understand, some performance anxiety.
We want to remind you, dear darlings, not to make some very trivial mistakes that we know you could fall into.
THE 10 THINGS NOT TO DO ON VALENTINE'S DAY Well, handsome little men, if you followed our directions and DID NOT DO ANYTHING of the above, then it is indeed true: YOU DESERVE TO BE SINGLE!
Remember, a single attention drawn from such a list is worth more than any other gesture.