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Enter Rocco Bormioli's InAlto Competition.


If yours is a restaurant for a public that loves refined food paired with the best wines, if you not only care about the cuisine but also pay special attention to the presentation of the dishes and the details of the table, if you offer only the best to your customers, then the inAlto by Bormioli Rocco Competition is for you.

Sign up now for the inAlto by Bormioli Rocco Contest!

Create your account by filling in the details opposite, you will immediately receive an inAlto Uno Product Kit to create your perfect Mise en table.

Send us your unpublished recipes and complete with your restaurant's presentation.

As a prize:

A tailor-made haute cuisine course at ALMA - International School of Italian Cuisine lasting 3 days including: haute cuisine lessons, room and board at the School.
A full supply of "inAlto UNO" products for a total of No. 50 place settings.
The deadline for registration is November 30, but you will have until December 18 to create your recipe, don't wait, sign up now!


Sign up by filling out the form in which you can enter a detailed presentation of your restaurant.

You will be able to do so from July 20, 2015 until December 18, 2015.

The deadline for entries is November 30, 2015.

Following registration you will receive a free kit of InAlto UNO Bormioli Rocco products.

To do so, you will need to describe and create a completely new recipe that falls into at least one of the following categories:

  • Italian Passion: i.e., the creative reinterpretation of a traditional Italian recipe, characterized by an original mise en table and ingredients that testify to the strong link with the territory and Italian culinary history.

  • International Attitude: a recipe that reinterprets Italian raw materials or traditional dishes from an international perspective.

Complete the recipe by recommending the most suitable wine pairing and photograph the presentation you have made. The image should not contain other brands or logos, including the specific one of the restaurant.

Through your account , enter the private area, enter your recipes and upload the photo to the website.

This is how the mise en table should look like.

Each recipe should be plated and enhanced in a complete place setting using the InAlto glass kit received as a gift, at least one of which should be filled with the chosen wine. The photo chosen to accompany the recipe must also highlight the glass.

The recipes can be submitted no later than December 18, 2015!

The recipes will be evaluated by a Professional Quality Jury composed of AIS, ALMA - The International School of Italian Cuisine and Bormioli Rocco. There will be two stages of evaluation of the participants:

  • In the first phase, No. 3 finalists will be named for each category.

  • The second phase will lead to the selection of No. 2 winners, one for each category.

The finalists will take part in the final event, which will be held on January 25, 2016 at the headquarters of ALMA - The International School of Italian Cuisine, at the Reggia di Colorno (Parma), during which they will have to create their recipe in front of a Technical Jury that will decide the 2 overall winners.

A journalist from Gambero Rosso magazine will be present at the Gala evening.


The winners will be awarded a Tailor-made Haute Cuisine Course at ALMA - International School of Italian Cuisine for three people, while all participating finalists will be sent a supply of "inAlto UNO" products for a total of No. 50 place settings.

For more information see the site dedicated to the event!