Hello everyone!!! Like the vast majority of women I juggle work and family so I am always short on time, however, I try to carve out some to devote to cooking. I enjoy cooking, but I am not a cook and far be it from me to presume to teach anyone anything. Hence the name of the blog "Inguacchiando & Inciarmando" . Now finding an exhaustive translation from Neapolitan to Italian is a bit tricky, however, the sense more or less should be "to dirty, to sully, to stain, to soiling, but also to grease ..." to get something tasty. In short, the meaning should be "messing around in the kitchen" ... So the intention of the blog is to share, with as many as will, my crotches in the kitchen!!! ... then I just have to give you a date on the pages of my blog!!! Bye bye Best Regards