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Interview with Arturo Pappalardo Molecular Mixology & Barchef


You are a very good Barchef Mixologist with a nice professional profile that has seen you working successfully in Italy and abroad also as Bar Manager and Bar Consultant, would you like to tell us a little bit about your path? How and when did you realize that this would be your profession ? How did you get started ?

I started between the ages of 17 and 18. I was entered into the club contest working there as a doorman and even then I was fascinated by the bar. Later I became a bar back thanks to friends who were bartenders, since then I have always gone on in the bar contest by choice and passion. I started professionally as a self-taught, but, and to expand my knowledge and get to professional levels I did and still continue to do a lot of training from professionals from Italy and elsewhere.

I know that you consider your "masters" two very great bartenders, Dario Comini and Antonio Lai. What did you learn from each of them and what do you really admire in one and the other?

From both of them I learned the development of non-standard working techniques. From Dario I fully learned the development of Molecular Mixology & Barchef and with him I understood that in addition to the help of technical and scientific knowledge, everything is possible,observing his way of preparing and presenting his work I tried to learn the basic concepts to develop my own work. From Antonio Lai, on the other hand, I learned to deepen my knowledge of Multisensory, which is akin to Comini's work where, however, oriental style and techniques are more developed. Basically I learned that with knowledge and products, limits do not exist. I admire these two people because they were not afraid to push the limits and carry on their own style of thinking, as I do as well.

You mix with great skill and creativity your preparations that challenge the boundaries between liquid and solid parts, between hot and cold, sweet, salty, bitter, etc., drawing inspiration from the very tastes of your customers and reworking cocktails and foods for them, so what should customers who come to Il Clubino expect?

The customers who come to me, to the bar of the place where I work, expect something that panders to their desires, the pleasure of tasting what reflects their style, their preferences.

Alcohols, infusions, syrups, olfactory pyramid and multi-sensoriality and the world of ' homemade, are terms that are very fashionable, in fact I think very few of you know exactly what you are talking about. Would you like to clarify the concepts a bit? This blog is followed by professionals and enthusiasts who are trying to improve their techniques, I think these topics are among those where there is a lot to know and understand, can you explain us the basic principles?

Thebasic principles of these processes are simply the customization and development of everything around us, techniques that have always been used, easy that can be made even at home: spirits,infusions, syrups we have been drinking them since always made by our grandmothers. Olfactory pyramids are the basis of the perfumery and food contest. Homemade, is nothing more than customization. To know all the techniques there are plenty of books and also on the Internet you can find news and information in abundance and then it takes a lot of passion, a pinch of curiosity, a lot of commitment perseverance and tenacity.

What are your personal preferences (if any) when it comes to fragrances and spices, what products and ingredients do you use with most pleasure and why?

More than a specific preference, I like to use quality, healthy products, ingredients and raw materials and above all I use uncommon products to make people taste the differences. Often products that seem uncommon to us now were once very common and used instead.

When you fine-tune a "recipe," do you always repurpose it the same in ingredients, doses and preparation technique, or do you not like to set a standard?

Generally I find it difficult to repurpose a recipe because when I create it I usually follow the requests and needs of those in front of me. When I do set a standard or follow a standard, it is to give a basis for a customization.

You are young, but you already possess a lot of experience and are highly quoted, what is your plan for the future ? Is there any dream in the drawer that you cherish? Any ideas that you would like to put into practice sooner or later?

I would like to be able to develop my work 360Β°, but not so much through my own establishment as towards those who have the same passion as me, but do not have the technique, the experience and the faculty to be able to develop it, as long as they are really motivated, they really have all the intentions, or towards those who would like to be supported.

If you hadn't been in this profession, what else would you have been able or wanted to do when you grew up?

I asked myself this question when I was about 27 years old, after a very long reflection I realized that this was the only profession I was really interested in doing and I also realized that from that moment on I would have to put all the effort and passion into it. I toured a lot to get to know the differences and be able to develop my own personal style.

For those who would like to get in touch with you in addition to:

Il Clubino (Piazza Marco Polo Milano 3 Basiglio Tel./Fax 02 90753691),

do you have any other reference to provide?

Here are my references:


Cell. 3920315585

Facebook Arturo Pappalardo

Interview by Monica Palla