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Interview with barman Alan Arrigo


You have "militated" for many years in AIBES and are now a member of the AMB Munich Barmen Association, how important is the role of associationism to you? What are the differences between AIBES and AMB?

For me it is definitely an honor to be able to be a member of an association and as such I try to carry its name high and behave appropriately. In Aibes I had a good time and I owe a lot to the association and people within it, to AMB I have to give a lot and I hope to be a proud standard bearer, we have important appointments this year and first of all the IBA recognition in Prague.

To go over all the stages of your professional career is almost impossible, because although you are a young professional, just 40 years old, your experience is truly remarkable. I only ask you which of the many experiences has taught you the most, the one you hold in your heart? Obviously the first experience abroad and more precisely in Germany and then equally important the first local "my own" . If I may, I would also add the first hotel experience.

If you had to give a definition to your style, to your preferences when it comes to mixed drinks, how would you prefer to be considered?

A classic bartender, from Hotel American Bar to understand us. I've had the opportunity to learn and see innovative techniques, I try to embrace all styles, I try to document all the time and sometimes I insert little tidbits, but I still prefer to stay classic. The international clientele however prefers an understated and elegant style.

I personally believe that your profession, like that of chefs, is much like that of an artist: experimentation you can only afford if you have a solid foundation, rules in all disciplines can only be broken by those who know them very well. How do you deal with experimentation and the search for new proposals?

In continuous personal evolution I would say, equipment,glasses,techniques... in short everything that is new attracts me... then of course I don't put everything into practice...

Do you have a particular preference at the moment for any ingredient or for any new or ancient product rediscovered?

Yes, together with Luca Coslovich on the occasion of the wedding of Prince Albert of Monaco we created a cocktail with two products inside that in my opinion are simple but innovative : AQUA21 (a low-alcohol grappa) and Hibiscus Flower in syrup both products that are unfortunately little used. Currently always to promote the made in Italy, I use a lot and propose the 'very Italian liquor PICA, in my opinion it is the wild card of mixing.

Your activity has taken place particularly the tourist resorts and also of a certain type of tourism such as San Remo and Montecarlo considered, at least until some time ago, destinations of an elite tourism. How have these realities changed over time? Do you think that today's tourist user is more or less informed and knowledgeable than he was a while ago?

San Remo has fallen into a mass and second-home tourism from which it is difficult to re-emerge; the city is beautiful and livable both in terms of climate and quality of life. Unfortunately, nonexistent connections make this resurgence increasingly distant. Monte Carlo is Monte Carlo, I would say perfect for tourism and hospitality. Everything is aimed at making the tourist's stay pleasant. Of course it is elitist as a destination and obviously wants to be kept that way. The tourist is aware of what he wants and knows a priori usually what he will find, making this even more unforgettable for him is our job.

Since this blog is followed by professionals and aspiring professionals, do you have any tips or pointers to give to a young enthusiast who would like to turn this passion into a profession?

Study study study, follow the advice of people with more experience and never get head over heels.

You have achieved many important milestones in your career. How do you see yourself in 10 to 20 years?

I simply hope to be a good dad to my two children.

To contact you directly can you give us a contact information, website, blog, facebook page?

Sure, you can contact me on Facebook: Alan Arrigo , send me a private message and I will add you to friends.

Interview by Monica Palla