When people use the term mixologist, they now mean a particular sectoral target of bartenders and bartenders who are projected into research and experimentation, of which you are a full part.
There are those who specialize in spherification, those who specialize in organic and organic, and those who specialize in smoking like you.
How did this passion come about and how are you developing it?
My luck is that I was born thirsty... for knowledge!
Like so many others, I am one who without prejudice, without fear of the new or the ridiculous, seeks. We are all born to make our own path in life, but there are two types of people: one who follows the path, and the other who makes their own way.
I, like several of my colleagues and friends, research, experiment and very often come up against bitter "defeats," but since as the great Terzani said <the same place can mean different things depending on who visits it>, we move forward to satisfy both our customers and ourselves.
My approach to smoking came about because of a video posted a couple of years ago highlighting the influence of smoke on a dish by a great emblazoned Chef. From that moment my own research was born until I got to the RG Commercial site and you have Alessandro's legendary videos! Infesting the club with smoke( you can imagine the comments) and after various tests with different blends, direct and indirect, I arrived at a good understanding of the importance of all the steps, precisely because all of our customers' palates are different, and consequently not all methodologies are applicable.
For those who do not know the site of the Micca Club in Rome of which you are mixologist, I strongly suggest to visit it because it is really a site different from all the others(www.miccaclub.com). The style and graphics of the site have a "vintage" and yet very forward scent; there is a definite flavor. Does it also reflect the physical space of the Micca Club?
Communication is the first image of the Micca Club that reaches the public. That is why our graphics are very carefully designed and always reflect the content of the event we offer. The physical space of the Micca Club itself, has a retro flavor, but at the same time contemporary: the Roman-era arches are flanked by blow-ups of vintage images, with fluorescent colors, seating that recalls 1960s design, and colored LEDs outlining the shapes of this postmodern cathedral.
The Micca Club's activity of initiatives and courses, evenings and events is truly remarkable.
What's new? In what new directions are you venturing?
We are moving in three directions, just as there are three new things this season. First is an increasing focus on beverage, culminating in the weekly "Delicious" event. Delicious features every Tuesday a new drink designed by our mixologists and a selection of the best native foods and wines of our country. For second an artistic direction that brings to the stage twice a week, theatrical performances between cabaret and variety. So the road of entertainment, after the past experience of shows done in the theater, is currently the one we are most interested in. From this year the new project: Za Boom - A Modern Variety joins the "historic" Velvet Cabaret - The Real Burlesque Show. Another novelty of the season O.D.E. One Day Expo, the Sunday of the Micca Club dedicated to exhibitions, sometimes to shopping, which will make the "cathedral" of via Pietro Micca a real showroom where you can find the best selections from the independent scene (fashion, design, publishing...)
What is the target audience of your patrons and course members?
Our clientele is between the ages of 25 and 40, and the thing they have in common is curiosity to alternative artistic proposals and the need to want to "drink well."
Now let's talk a little about you, your story. How did you approach this profession? Did you have any teachers that you are happy to mention? What are the most interesting experiences ?
My approach to this profession came about because of my need to pay for my university studies in engineering, and then the bar took over from the university chair
Although I am fully convinced that the real Master is the one that everyone has inside himself, I would like to mention great professionals who inspire me every time I come into contact with them: Stravinsky bar staff for their joy and professionalism in doing our craft, the Jerry Thomas Project guys for their unparalleled expertise, Stanislav Vadrna for the sublime vision of the bartender-customer pair, Alex Kratena for the unique feeling he manages to create with his guests, Marian Beke for her unquestionable technical ability and unique vision of mixology, and last but not least, my co-workers who remind me every day how difficult and tiring it is to do our job, but how much lighter it is if you do it while smiling!
Definitely the experience of "Solea Club," a club I managed for three years has marked my life both from a human and professional point of view. In addition, the "drink&fish" event, an aperitif made in a famous fish market in Rome was a very happy adventure that lasted a year, which I gladly "refresh" with some guests when I manage to carve out spaces for myself.
What products, scents, equipment and ideas intrigue you the most today? In which direction is your creativity going?
Right now I am concentrating in the technique of "scarboning," if I may be allowed the term, that is, adding CO2 to the drink through various techniques, so as to give a boost to the more delicate olfactory components of some recipes and tie them to a perlage that comes remarkably close to the most emblazoned champagnes... beautiful challenge!
I have noticed that although you are an experimenter, or perhaps precisely because you are an experimenter, in your courses you always emphasize history, classic cocktails, and the discipline of the profession. In your opinion, what is the relationship that must exist between talent, creative flair and knowledge and technique in order to truly be a bartender worthy of the name?
Inmy humble opinion, to be a true bartender or mixologist or whatever you want to call us, the important thing is not to lose focus on one fundamental factor: every time we get down to business, we are mixing emotions for our customers. Unfortunately and too often, the 10 cm of the platform make bartenders feel at least 1mt above the others, reducing the work to a pure exercise of style and relegating the customer to a mere extra.
I know that you are also a consultant for the creation of new venues. Is there, in your opinion, a new generation of bartenders and professionals in Italy capable of creating truly up-to-date, internationally competitive venues?
Fortunately, the passion of some of my friends and colleagues, which unfortunately some of them I have not had the pleasure to meet, has given birth to interesting cases comparable to other international realities, but unfortunately, if passion is not backed up by valid entrepreneurial support, the road is always uphill.
One of your passions is publishing , rare books and I must say that this love for "history" is also felt in the graphics of the site. What are the "pieces" in your collection that you love the most ? Is there a bartender from the past who inspires you or whom you would like to resemble in some way ?
Of historical texts I could mention a couple, but in my opinion the important thing is to remain attentive to what happens outside our world as well.
As for inspiration, surely the adventurous life of Jerry Thomas is captivating, but I try to learn from everyone who daydreams !
What are your and the Micca Club's new projects ? Do you have a dream in the drawer?
The Micca Club is an incredible hothouse of ideas, but as is often the case with big companies, it will take time... just wait and see!
My biggest dream is to go live somewhere by the sea, preferably in Italy, and to be able to realize the combination of counter, teaching and... a little fishing boat!!!
If any of the frequenters of this blog would like to contact you? What address or social network should they refer to?
Thank you very much for the space you have given me and I invite anyone who would like to contact me to write to:
Interview edited by Monica Palla