At this point it would be ritual to ask, how did you get started ? What is your story ? But since your biography is very well written and very complete on your site(, I leave the consultation to those who will like to delve into how you got here in such a short time. Let's just give some essential data: in 2011 Bruno Vanzan enters the Wfa Black List i.e. in the top 10 in the world and altogether can boast 30 international victories, more than 150 competitions played in 40 countries of the world... , but with you now I prefer to talk about the present and the future. Let's start with the latest effort, as they say, your book "All My Cocktails".I know you worked hard on it for a long time, how was this experience? How do you prefer to define this work: is it a manual? A cookbook? Who is it primarily aimed at?
I want to start with a sentence "What so many people call a book, I call a DREAM""All My Cocktails" was a project that was born a little bit for fun and a little bit by chance; from the television experience in "I Menu di Benedetta" where I was called to make different recipes every day; from there arose the need in me to be able to write what would be a "Manual" for the home and beyond; In the book you can find a lot of cocktails enclosed in very particular categories, from those for Children to those for Social Status that characterize 2013, from Smoothies to ice cream to the great classics, from Christmas cocktails and those for every occasion of the year; all recipes are communicated using a simple coffee cup as the unit of measurement, a whole new way to create your own cocktail from the comfort of home. PS: The recipes are also communicated in ounces because we wanted to think a little bit about everyone, experienced and not.
A trivial little question that everyone has asked you, but from which you cannot escape concerns your experience on the program "I menu di Benedetta" with Benedetta Parodi. What did you learn from this television adventure? What did it leave you on a professional and human level?
Definitely a fantastic experience; I had the opportunity to work with great professionals, fantastic authors, always nice colleagues, and then she the godmother of my book Benedetta Parodi, an exceptional woman, mother, TV host, journalist with an amazing humility. The memory will always remain within me, I lived this experience with a lot of humility and I keep it jealously guarded within me.
Surely traveling the world as you can do it at your age can seem like a great life, and maybe it is, but don't you sometimes miss a little sense of "home"? How do you manage to recreate your intimacy, your "den" by being away from Italy a lot of the time to participate in the many kermesses you are invited to around the world?
Did you say "home?" I call it my "Foot on the Ground." Definitely traveling the world is a great thing, I love my work, meeting people and always confronting the best the globe has to offer and not the worst. If we talk about private life we touch a key that has definitely been affected by all this, it is not easy to create a "normal" life for yourself by using an airplane instead of a car as your main means of transportation. For now I can call myself a citizen of the world and I feel lucky enough as it is.
I am very interested in getting a good understanding of your role as a teacher, your passion for education that you have been developing for a few years now in Planetone. Can you explain more about the school and your courses ?
I don't feel like a "Teacher" maybe it will be because in school I didn't have a good relationship with them, all jokes aside I define myself as a guy who has made his passion a job, who tries to pass on to his "kids" the best in both human and theoretical aspects, I deal with training courses for flair bartender and american bar. Planetone? Leading training company that boasts a package of 20 courses dedicated to cafeteria, bartending area and management. Family for me.
How will you balance teaching with book promotion and the many other appointments that await you?
I don't know, can you help me out??! ;) I can only tell you that we will be present in almost every Italian city!
One last question. Many young aspiring bartenders and flair bartenders follow this blog, would you like to give them some quick dispassionate advice on how to approach this profession ?
This is the hardest task for someone like me who never feels like she has arrived, even to give advice. Maybe this is the best message I can give you, always be humble in life, remember that all people can teach you something, read, study, travel the world, be curious, curious to expand your cultural background and compare yourself with the best around you and not with the worst, that everyone is capable of doing. Best of luck to all of you!
Besides your site already mentioned, for those who want to follow your "exploits" how are you present online?
Facebook: Bruno Vanzan Official Page
Twitter: Br1Vanzan
Instagram: Brunovanzanofficial
Interview by Monica Palla