Hi Leo, I really like the idea of being able to ask you a few questions, because I think the experience accumulated over many years of the Jerry Thomas Project, is also very useful for those who frequent this blog, to understand "where we are at." Just to frame the topic, tell us about the Jerry Thomas, Project. Of course, those who prefer to know more about it can go to your website www.thejerrythomasproject.it, but in two words can you summarize for us the main reason that pushed you towards this project and its main purposes?
Jerry Thomas Project Rome and Jerry Thomas Speakeasy are two projects born almost by chance , recently returned to Italy after a long period spent wandering around the Caribbean , one evening I meet 2 old friends Antonio Parlapiano and Roberto Artusio who were working on a new training project , really innovative for the Italian market , the idea was to bring to Italy a concept of mixology that was almost totally unknown to the local bartenders still too tied to obsolete stereotypes 50's or flair Bartending ... we started working on organizing seminars with topics such as Japanese bartending , New Tiki Style , twist on Classic and the revival of classic Mixology from the American pre-Prohibition period ... At the same time we found a small place in the center of Rome that seemed perfect to open , following the world trend , the first Italian Speakeasy bar ... in a few months we materialized everything , and with only our forces we opened our place and organized around Italy a series of seminars in collaboration with some of the most important mixologists of the world scene such as Stanislav Vadrna and Marian Beke getting an incredible success so much to start collaborations around Europe and beyond.
In the years since you started training in the world of mixing, how has the landscape of those entering this profession changed ? Is it a growing type of profession ?
We must first of all separate the Italian market from the European and world market , Italy is lagging far behind professionally speaking compared to countries like England and Germany but also compared to Spain Holland France and Slovakia ,our country due to a legacy of the past too tied to the trade associations that anchored the Bartender profession to the 50's and especially to the cultural devastation that began in the late 90's that saw Italian Bars and clubs turn into so many circuses full of bottle throwers has lagged behind and did not immediately follow the phenomenon of the rebirth of classic mixology that is pushing the world bar market ... In italy unfortunately still today , the bartender profession is not taken too seriously , there are still too many improvised and occasional artless , but above all it is still too often lacking on the part of entrepreneurs , the ability to understand that a bartender is a fundamental resource for a venue much more than the furnishings or the style of the bar. However things are slowly changing even in our country , more and more young people are approaching this profession in the right way , focusing on culture , research , knowledge of the classic basics and the history of mixology. I believe that the profession is growing , although unfortunately there are in Italy too many training actors who have turned teaching only and exclusively into a business , even these characters should understand that the market needs professionals , prepared , curious and open-minded and not automatons or mummies plastered behind the bar.
How exactly do you develop your business? I know that your areas of focus are varied, from seminars, events, promotion strategies and all aimed at excellence.Who are your clients, your partners, and who are the users you target? What is the typology of the attendees of your trainingmasterclasses ?
Basicallywe divide ourselves between the work at the Speakeasy where we try to promote excellence and where we try to show that a different concept of the bar is possible , and the training seminars and masterclasses. We are proud to have created a small, but lively community of independent Bartender friends , without companies and multinationals behind us and moved by a real passion who follow and support us , we do not have real business partners , we like to choose the companies we collaborate with also following ethical principles , we do not like those who lie to the market , who force the market , who divert attention on quality to sell labels and not products. As far as our masters are concerned we have a very diverse audience , from the very young Bartender who is taking his first steps in the world of mixing to the professional who wants to update.
What were the initiatives that gave you the greatest professional or human satisfaction?
We were called to Russia , Slovakia , France , Spain , Holland , Belgium to promote our bar concept , and this filled us with pride because it was truly a reward for our dedication and passion.
The name Jerry Thomas is already a test of knowledge, those who do not understand why you are called that are obviously ignorant of the history of mixed drinking. Jerry Thomas was certainly the first bartender in history , ante litteram, and the name of your business is a beautiful tribute to his memory, but why was Jerry Thomas so important to the history of mixed drinking?
I believe that Jerry Thomas with his book was the first to lay a technical foundation that could be followed by all Barmen , he created a quality standard of service and raised the profession to a higher level like no one until then. Moreover, his life was an incredible adventure worthy of a movie. In short, Jerry Thomas was not only a great innovator and creator of drinks but also a man full of ingenuity and madness , qualities that never fail in a bartender.
From the height of such extensive and in-depth Italian and international experience, what have you capitalized and deduced? Where is the world of mixed drinks going? And Italy in the international scene , how does it stand?
Unfortunately , as I said before in Italy we are a bit behind , fortunately , although this may make some people angry , we know exactly who the culprits are from the anachronistic associations to the bartending schools that have left out professionalism to speculate , but also to those companies that continue to sell smoke instead of helping the culture of drinking .However now , thanks to the Internet and groups of professionals who collaborate and exchange experiences and advice , and thanks to the many opportunities for quality training that are also landing in Italy , those who really want to live this profession in the right way , know what and who to follow .
Last , do you have a suggestion , advice , reflection to offer to those who would like to pursue a career as a bartender today?
Please , remain independent , think for yourself and do not be bewitched by what I jokingly , call " the dark side of bartending " ... bet on culture and remember that in the end we are artisans , with a bit of magic in our hands.
For those who would like to contact you, what is the most direct reference?
Our website and facebook pages " the jerry thomas project " & " jerry thomas speakeasy "
Hello everyone Leo
Interview by Monica Palla