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Me and them: not just food


Let me introduce myself: My blog is called"Me and Them." In art I am Lipstick, mother, wife and foodblogger. They are my passions: cooking, the people and places I love, and books (of which you will find some short editorials). The name of the Blog is a tribute to Brunella Gasperini, a writer I love, and her book ("Io e loro" precisely) the first book of my life while the images are of my beloved Turin city where I was born and lived for 41 years and where I return to breathe as soon as I can. The recipes I prefer are those that are sophisticated and particular without, however, disdaining those of tradition and comfort food. In short, I enjoy cooking and I enjoy eating well. If you are curious and like to experiment, but you are also gluttonous and traditionalist at the table my blog may interest and inspire you for new experiences at the table.