Imagine finding yourself tired and unmotivated come evening time after a usual busy day. How many times has this happened to you? For me this unpleasant situation occurred just tonight. So, gripped by mortal apathy I start scrolling through screens full of Facebook idiocy. Among the silliness, however, there is something that I always look at with great interest and nostalgia: the photos of the various local restaurants and bars on the PequeΓ±a Isla that I added among my friendships soon after returning to it well over a year ago.
Landing on this tongue of land and feeling like home was just a moment. I had heard many others before me speak of a similar feeling triggered by meeting its sea and beaches, its towns and lighthouses, but I am not prone to such lightning strikes...generally. For my column today, I want to recall a particular moment spent on that magical island in the one (alas) week I spent there. It was a Friday evening and we were now at the end of August, at that time when by now people empty the beaches and mopeds start up again smoking from the parking lots, the ideal hour for a walk along Plaja de Migjorn in short. The destination was a restaurant on the beach that we knew offered excellent mojitos during happy hour. Beyond the all-Milanese atmosphere from prs looking like marble statues, bikini-clad bartenders, white leather sofas and typical jet set clientele (after all, you know, Formentera in the summer is the branch of Milan...), the terrace on which we were seated offered me perhaps some of the happiest moments of that vacation of mine. It looked exactly like dinner from a movie: the ice from the mojito in my hand was melting, creating a pleasant drizzle on the glass and under my fingers, all around people chatting and smiling, and an indescribable sense of relaxation that seemed to hover over that relaxed floor on one of the most beautiful beaches the Canatie Islands can offer. This is how happy hour really should be, as I experienced it that evening, in the most literal sense of its term, because above all else there was an exceptional but unfailing guest who made that moment so special: the sunset. And believe me guys when I tell you that you can only find a sunset like that in Formentera.
(Sorry if I went a little off topic tonight, but it's the nostalgia...)