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RG hosts Danilo Angè and low-temperature vacuum cooking


Last Monday, March 27, chef Danilo Angè presented in RG as many as 3 recipes made with the low-temperature vacuum cooking technique: egg at 62°C, broccoli cream and saffron sponge; chicken breast with rosemary and lemon, artichokes and yogurt sauce; and caramelized pineapple, vanilla mousse.

Although employed by many chefs and established over the years, this type of cooking is still little known, many so it attracted industry insiders from different parts of northern Italy to the RG showoroom where the demonstration was held.

Chef Danilo introduced the basics of the technique going into more and more detail, not only about cooking times, temperatures and food preservation but also and especially talking about all the tools useful for simple, precise and professional work.

From choosing bags to choosing a vacuum machine, why to prefer one tank to another, what are the different features of a roner, and much more.

The day was also attended by Dario Comini, head bartender of the historic cocktail bar Nottingham Forest in Milan, the father of molecular mixing who has long been delving into the technique reported by Danilo, with whom he interacted for a small talk on the drinks thus made.

If you missed this interesting day of insight, we recommend that you buy Danilo's book, Atmosfera Zero, in which there are 60 recipes to follow step by step, with a small excursus also on the world of cocktails.