RGmania at the Roma Bar Show 2023: all the useful info
All useful info regarding the participation of RGmania at the 2023 edition of the Roma Bar Show, the most important national mixology event in which it had already taken part as a visitor in the first edition.
WHEN will the event take place?
Monday, May 29 and Tuesday, May 30 only:register now!
WHERE to find it?
At Palazzo dei Congressi, at John Kennedy Square 1 in Rome.
WHERE will RGmania be located?
Booth K10, in the square outside Kennedy, just through the entrance turnstiles.
WHY stop by and visit us?
Because at the Roma Bar Show 2023 RGmania will be exhibiting - and selling - the best new products from the bar world: glasses and bar tools, but also innovative tools of the trade.
By buying directly at the event you will receive gadgets, discount coupons and a free drink offered by Drinkable berebeneovunque.
WHICH products will you find?
Some sneak peeks: the vom and the foam kit plates100% Chef, glasses and bar tools from Urban Bar, tiki glasses, cocktail cups, siphon products, designer bar tools and essential patterns.
WHO will you find from RGmania?
Three attendants will answer your every request with a smile and a Drinkable bartender will quench your thirst while shopping at the RGmania booth at the Roma Bar Show edition 2023😊