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Summer Drink&Eat Festival


Summer has arrived again this year and with it the Summer Drink&Eat Festival, now in its eighth edition.

The location in which the day was set was Carlo and Camilla in Segheria: at 2 p.m., as many as sixteen bartenders divided into three batteries engaged in building their best drink based on Martini vermouth, RG's main sponsor on this day.

Each battery of bartenders was assigned to a chef who made his very personal version of Club Sandwich: food pairing therefore, to put the world of cuisine side by side with the world of mixed drinks. And so, Marco Martini, Claudio Ceriotti and Misha Sukyas delighted the judges with the flavors of their cuisine.

Dario Comini, Mauro Lotti, Paolo Sanna, Claudio Burdi, Allan Bay, Teo Rizzolo and Marina Bellati were the eight jurors called to evaluate the bartenders' work. From this first elimination phase, Luca Angeli, Terry Monroe and Andrea Paci, the overall winner, made it to the finals.

All participants received a kit consisting of giveaways from the sponsoring companies. There was no shortage of special prizes for merits recognized to individuals, but the luckiest were undoubtedly the guys on the podium, who in addition to the RG prize received the special 3-liter bottle of Martini and a special reserve vermouth just presented by the same company. Andrea Paci then enjoyed the award ceremony with a 1-liter siphon offered by iSi and a trip offered by Martini.

But why is the Summer Drink&Eat Festival renewed from year to year? Simple, the strength of this annual event lies in the genuineness of its scaffolding: the attendees are friends, colleagues, and industry experts who have flocked to support other friends, to test the latest innovations in the world of bartending, and to learn more about the companies that have supported the day for years. These brands, without which it would be impossible to see the event grow, are Luigi Bormioli, a leader in Italian glassware, Ballarini professional, a company with long experience in cookware, Trabo, with its qualitatively extraordinary brands such as Arcos, iSi and Kisag, but also Ceado, for electric tools on the bar counter and in the kitchen, Musetti and its excellent Coffee and the Flo company for disposables, a fast-growing and ever-changing sector.

The whole organizational part was entrusted as always to the guys from Drinkable, who can no longer be missed, as (allow us to say it) friends. Interspersing the contest, there was no shortage of speeches by Martini, which presented its new Rubino and Ambrato vermouths. After this presentation, Simone Caporale spoke, who entertained guests with an explanation of his collaboration with Albert Adrià, a chef who needs no introduction. Last but not least, it was Dario Comini who had his say, with anecdotes about his life, which is inextricably linked to the world of bartending. In conclusion, RG can only be satisfied with the excellent outcome of the day and the intense and heartfelt participation renewed for years and years by those who believe in our company and support it as a partner, colleague, customer and above all friend.

To all of you, a heartfelt THANK YOU!