| On the counter

The philosophy of sharing the right 'spirit': Work Up Academy


Have you ever heard that there are trips that change your life? Well, it happened to us at RG, just last week.

On an unspecified day last October, Francesca contacted me because she was intent on buying bartending products from our company to use in their school, and when I say 'their' I mean hers and her husband Carlo's: I'm talking about Work Up Academy. This was not the first time I had heard this name; it was like background music that was buzzing in my head but that I still could not recognize. In short, in talking with Francesca, the idea of going to visit the office in Cagliari, and why not, hold a seminar, was born spontaneously. I still did not understand the scope of what she was offering me.

Last January 7, Alessandro Melis, a partner together with Francesco Pierluigi of 'Drinkable, berebeneovunque' as well as a great friend, together with me and Giorgio Negri, as well as my father and owner of RG, set off for Cagliari.

It would take days and days, pages and pages to explain the atmosphere that welcomed us, the hospitality with which we were supported and endured, but also and above all the quality of what we discovered and of which I wish I could give you a taste.

A place of study and work designed with care but above all passion, to be able to give the right space for each activity: students are greeted at the reception desk, from which one passes through to visit the three main rooms; on the right is the room dedicated to bartending, with a substantial number of equipped stations, the bar counter and a very interesting bottle rack; next, one is dragged into the realm of coffee, ruled by Giuseppe Musiu and Davide Spinelli, who wizards with the machines and milk jugs, teaching the youngsters who are confronted with aeropress and roasting. I would like to point out that this is the room with the corner that Francesca is most proud of, because it is set up with her favorite toys: indeed, you must know about her weakness for 'Coffee in good spirits' and her constant and in-depth study in this subject. Last but not least is the cooking class room, where nothing is overlooked: from how to knead bread to how to roll sushi.

Coming out of this first room, one can devote oneself to discovering an appendix of the school with tables set up for room service training, followed by a room where a small wooden bar counter has been set up, a counter that gives the idea of home and from which one can enjoy reading the messages that the various seminarians have left to thank Carlo, Francesca and the whole school. And here we come to the last room, the one with the projector, with the chairs lined up, with the photos of the boys on the walls, the one that for a whole day was our home, our place of deepening, where hungry students absorbed the notions we transmitted.

In short, what did we find? In addition to a stimulating place, cultivated with enthusiasm, a real family, where everyone helps and supports each other, so more than a school, a real gathering for friends who pursue the same passions and have made their work their greatest interest.

In essence, I can say that we received much more from this experience than we offered and that their philosophy, 'share the right spirit,' allowed us to sit at the same bench where great professionals have passed, a bench where we all feel equal and where we were 'unmasked' because we were unprepared for the deep expertise of our interlocutors.

We hope to have conveyed at least some of the positivity that this has instilled in us.

Special thanks go to Francesca, Carlo, Alessandro, Simona, Giuseppe, Davide, Ivan, Michele and all the guys.

Ah, best wishes Poldo!