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A new year is just around the corner, and as tradition dictates, we are also taking stock, and we can only feel grateful for this 2015.

So this Christmas we want to say a special Thank You, an extra Thank You, dedicated to everyone. To the suppliers who have supported us since way back in 1983, to those who have trusted us along the way and reciprocated with constant and progressive work, to the customers who choose us every day, whether they have done so through the web or through traditional sales, and who choose not only products but also an established reality that makes quality service and attention to people its strong point, to all those who work at RG, and individually to those who believe in us even and especially when we are not perfect.

2015 was a year full of satisfaction, with a new edition of the Summer Drink&Eat Festival, the display of the Kitchen Art exhibition, the numerous promotional events, the consolidation of RG's reality in bartending and increasingly in catering, and the beginning of collaboration with numerous companies.

The most important step, however, was the launch of the new website. After making it more intuitive, contemporary and navigable even from mobile devices, we finally merged the RGlife blog with RGmania e-commerce. RGlife is in fact the evolution of Barnews, the platform on which RG has been keeping you informed about all the news in the food&beverage industry for years.

For all these reasons and because we love our work we want to say THANK YOU, because if we can select the best products, improve our services and believe in communication with our many partners, the credit is also due to all of you.

Keep following us in 2016, you will find that you are also part of our projects!