| In the kitchen

White frying pan by Ballarini Professional


Perhaps not everyone knows that aluminum is widely used to make professional utensils in the culinary industry because of its light weight and high thermal conductivity, which helps regulate temperature at different stages of cooking. The thickness then that these pans have helps to distribute heat evenly. The coating with nonstick materials is an important strength for health and diet: in the first case because it prevents food from sticking, making sure that the classic 'burnt' effect is avoided and therefore the harmful substances that are generally created on the bottom do not form; in the second, because nonstick eliminates the need to add oils and fats for cooking. So far, nothing new compared to what we already knew about aluminum and nonstick, but there is a need to understand why the coating was chosen white and no longer black: this color is increasingly used in the professional field to control the degree of clarity of the food being cooked. Try it to believe!

Discover the strengths of this pan by clicking here