The essence of catering
between tradition and innovation

The essence of catering
between tradition and innovation

RGMania offers you a wide online selection of the best accessories for bars and restaurants , of the best equipment for bartenders , professional products for bars , cuisine and restaurants , selected for chefs, mixologists and enthusiasts. From classic bar tools to the most innovative tools for bartenders and chefs , such as siphons and smokers , with a section entirely dedicated to glasses of all types : cocktail glasses, wine glasses, tiki mugs and tankards, classic and original glasses, elegant and vintage cups. The selection continues with the disposable (disposable) products, biodegradable and compostable, with refined shapes and designs, for example the paper straws. On the table there are cutlery, plates from the best brands and everything needed for a mise en place with attention to the smallest details . In the kitchen you will find pans, pots, professional mandolines, pastry making tools, but also sous vide for low temperature cooking and tools necessary in every bar and restaurant , from tongs to pizza peels, up to food containers and products for molecular cuisine .


Unsere Marken

RGMania hat immer die besten Unternehmen und die besten Bar- und Restaurantartikel ausgewÀhlt, um QualitÀtsprodukte zu garantieren, sowohl im Design als auch in der Herstellung, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf made in Italy. Um den Bedürfnissen von Barkeepern, Kâchen und Liebhabern mit einer mâglichst großen Auswahl an Produkten gerecht zu werden, haben wir über 150 Lieferanten.
Online-Shop fΓΌr Barkeeper, auch mit einem Showroom in Fontana Fredda di Cadeo, in der Provinz Piacenza, etwa eine Autostunde von%/strong %strong Mailand entfernt, ist RG Commerciale auch ein β€žphysischesβ€œ GeschΓ€ft di Referenz fΓΌr Barkeeper: alles fΓΌr die Bar und darΓΌber hinaus!

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RG Life


Everything there is to discover about industry news, our products, the latest trends and our services.

RGmania official online retailer of Ceado

It is with pride and satisfaction that we announce that RGmania is the official online retailer of Ceado. On this occasion we present two of the Veneto-based brand's flagship blenders.

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